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Welcome to the Governing Body section of the website. My name is Will Emms and I am the Chair of Governors of the Blossom Federation of Daubeney, Sebright & Lauriston Schools and Children Centres.

Our governors represent our wider school community: elected parent and staff governors, one Local Authority nominee and co-opted members from the wider community. They have a mix of skills, experiences and backgrounds to help provide the best possible support to the School.  We are actively recruiting new members.

School governors have a responsibility for supporting the schools, while also holding them to account. At each school, Governors are actively involved in all aspects of school life and contribute time and energy to ensure the school continually improves. Governors share the school’s aims and values, and are keen to enhance the environment, provide the right resources and to see that every child receives the best possible education.

The purpose of the Governing Body is to help the school to provide the best possible education for its pupils. They work closely with the Executive Head Teacher and the Senior Leadership Teams to set the school’s strategic aims and policies and actively work to monitor, support and improve the quality of teaching and learning for all pupils. The role of the Governing Body is one of strategic oversight; governors are not involved in the day-to-day running of the school. That is the responsibility of the Head of School.

The full Federation Governing Body meets formally once a term.

Sub-committees also meet once or twice a term to focus on particular areas in more detail. The two main sub-committees are:

  • Finance & Staffing (F&S), and
  • Curriculum & Standards (C&S).

Each of the Schools in the Federation have a Local School Committee who focus on the individual schools, their needs and developments. The Chair of the Local School Committees are:

  • Daubeney – Annwen Johnson BEM
  • Sebright - Katie Lewis
  • Lauriston – Katie Beck

Other committees, panels and project teams meet when needed. It is also important for Governors to see the school in action, and they make regular visits to classrooms, to speak with teachers and to join in school events and celebrations. Governors take very seriously the role they play and the contribution they can make. Governors are expected to sign up to a code of practice agreeing to act with honesty and integrity, to keep up to date with training and to respect confidentiality at all times.

If you wish to contact me, you can do so via the school office. Please mark your correspondance 'FAO Mr Will Emms, Chair of Governors'.

Who We Are

Will Emms
Chair of Governors, Co-Opted Governor

Will has lived in Homerton with his wife Holly since 2011, and Hackney and North East London since 1999.

Will has been a governor at the federation since 2015, until recently Chairing the Curriculum and Standards Committee, and Chair of Governors since January 2021.

Will and Holly have 2 children, currently in Years 6 and 4 at Daubeney.

Will works at the Department for Education, where he has supported schools with the national curriculum tests, provided learning and development to the department’s finance people, and now works with the various professions across the department.

Katie Beck
Lauriston LSC Chair, Co-Opted Governor, Safeguarding & SEND Link

I am a co-opted governor and currently Chair of the School Committee at Lauriston. Both my sons, now in Years 10 and 7, attended the school (very happily!), and I was previously an elected parent governor before Lauriston joined the federation. In my ‘day job’ I teach, research and manage in the School of Politics and International Relations at Queen Mary, University of London. Being involved with the federation as a governor is a big time commitment but really rewarding – right now I am especially excited about the OPAL initiative to transform playtimes across the three schools, which I feel will make a big and positive difference to the children.

Sam Ingleby
Chair of the Finance & Staffing Committee / Co-Opted Governor / Vice-Chair

I am a co-opted Governor. I started my career as a journalist at the Independent, and then worked at the Foreign Office before being a Teach First participant where I taught English for two years at a school in Tottenham. I then spent 12 years at a communications consultancy called Portland, latterly as the firms Managing Director. Outside of work I am a trustee of WorldSkills UK and sit on the Teach First Business Leaders Council.

I believe schools play a vital role in local communities and am looking forward to playing a part in making sure the federation is offering a high quality and inspiring educational experience to the students they serve.

Katie Lewis
Chair of the Sebright Local School Committee / Parent Governor

Hi All – my name is Katie Lewis, and I am the mum of a child in Year 1 at Sebright. Originally from the USA, I have lived in the UK for 12 years and in Hackney for the past 9 – and I love it!

In addition to being a Mum, I am a Regional Director at TransPerfect, a company focused on helping global companies create, translate and launch global content. My primary focus is in the pharma sector and our mission is to help companies get lifesaving drugs to patients faster. I am a volunteer with the Healthcare Businesswoman’s Association and passionate about driving gender parity and equality. I’m also passionate about supporting local schools and via a charity called Business2Schools, have been involved in leading programs to get devices to children learning remotely, clean / rejuvenate school grounds and organize panels including women in science to speak to future students in STEM.

I am thrilled to be given the opportunity to serve as a Governor. I am committed to helping grow and continuously improve the Federation.

Annwen Johnson BEM
Chair of the Daubeney Local School Committee / Co-Opted Governor

I am Annwen Johnson BEM, I am currently a Civil Servant and have been for many years now.

I am a parent Governor at Daubeney and a newly appointed Co-opted Governor of the Blossom Federation. I have a British Empire Medal  for my services to Diversity and Inclusion I obtained whilst working at HM Treasury.

I believe that all children from all races and backgrounds should have an education that is tailored to their educational and cultural needs, and diversity and inclusion makes this is possible. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion is very important to me personally and professionally. Being a Black Woman, Wife, Mother and Professional has given me a wealth of experience and lessons to bring a diverse perspective and challenge to the School and the Federation.

I am committed to supporting the school and families for the enhancement of learning for all children but with a special focus on children from Black and Asian backgrounds. Using my experience, skills  and knowledge to help all children and make their futures brighter.

While Hackney is and has been my beloved home for many years, I am originally from Leeds which becomes very apparent once you speak to me! I am here to provide support, a listening ear, and where possible solutions to any challenges you may be experiencing.

Representation Matters! If you can see it, you can be it!

Suzanne Carmichael
Staff Governor

I am Suzanne Carmichael and I am Head of Daubeney & Sebright Children’s Centre as well as the Staff Governor for the Blossom Federation.  Welcome to our Children’s Centers. The Children’s Centers offer a range of Drop In's , adult education , parenting and health programmes , family support and full and sessional fee paying and funded childcare places for children under 5 years of age. The Centre offer quality affordable childcare places ,we deliver the EYFS and have a full staff team of qualified practitioners. Our wide range of activities and programmes are designed to meet the needs of local families wanting to access play sessions and adult learning programmes. We feel passionate about the services we offer to our families ; we want to develop all our children to be school ready and continue to support all our families to access activities and sessions that will help and support better health and well-being outcomes, strengthen and build local networks and reduce isolation in the community. If you would like to visit our Centre’s please do contact us to arrange a visit.

Thomas Rozmus
Parent Governor

Hi everyone, I’m Thomas, a dad of 2. I was born and raised locally and have lived in Hackney for a number of years. I work for a leading commercial and residential property company working alongside various sectors, advising and handling the access control systems across a large estate.

My eldest son attends Lauriston School, soon to be followed by his brother. What I like about Lauriston is that it has an informal, warm and inclusive feel, as well as having a focus on pupil well-being. As a parent governor I look forward to contributing to the works the federation does collectively. I’m interested in learning more about how the schools and centres are run, as well as understanding the diverse processes and policies in place. Particularly, the current school curriculum and how the children learn in the school environment.

I’m always on the go, but when I do get ‘me’ time I like anything social and entertaining, good food, travelling and since becoming a parent to two young boys, some peace and quiet.

Robin Warren
Executive Head Teacher and Deputy DSL

Reece Lukeman
Co-Opted Governor

Jill Cameron
Clerk to the Governing Body

I grew up in East London and still live about two miles away from the place I was born! Almost all of my working life has involved providing services to Children and Young People. This included 15 years as a Secondary School Business Manager - first in Newham and then in Hackney. In 2012 I moved to work full-time in school governance. Working in governance involves lots of unsocial hours, but when I get free time I enjoy being outdoors, doing grandma duty and watching cycling.

I have been the clerk to the Federation Governing Board since 2014.

Mette Ivesen
Co-Opted Governor

My name is Mette, and I am originally from Denmark. I am a parent of two young children in East London (not yet in school but keenly looking forward to it).

It has been a great pleasure to get to know the fantastic Blossom Federation schools, the engaged team around them, and the confident and happy pupils.

I am keenly aware of the critical importance of early childhood education for realising the potential of every child, and I am interested in education, having personally experienced multiple different education systems growing up.

I started my career teaching maths at Bristol University, but today work for a business consultancy - with a professional interest in good governance and the impact of an engaged and positive board

James Ross
Local Authority Governor

Hi, my name is James and I am a Local Authority Governor at the Blossom Federation and on the Lauriston LSC.

I am originally from Sydney, Australia but have been living in the UK for the last 9 years and East London the last 6. I work in private equity at a London-based investment trust, following previous roles in investment banking and the civil service.

Schooling has had an indelible impact on my life and I am passionate about ensuring every child reaches their potential through education. I will seek to serve the Blossom Federation and all those involved with it to ensure its key beneficiaries, its students, can continue to receive the best primary school experience. I would encourage any Blossom or Lauriston School stakeholder to please get in touch on any matter that should be considered by the governors.

Ohemaa Peprah-Konadu
Co-Opted Governor

My Name is Ohemaa, a co-opted governor. I am passionate about children accessing good, quality education and having opportunities to thrive even from a very young age regardless of their socio-economic background or disadvantages they may face. My current role is in program management however, I have previously worked as a business teacher in a secondary school. I am excited to be given this opportunity to contribute to the federation as a governor.

Local School Committee

Katie Lewis
Local School Committee Chair

Terry Corpe
Head of School / Associate Governor

Ian Mullaney
Associate Governor

I am an Associate Governor and a member of the school committee at Sebright.  I have been a member of the committee for just over a year.

I am now retired, following quite a lengthy career in different educational settings, starting with teaching English overseas in France, Italy and Spain and subsequently training to become a teacher, working in secondary schools and then moving on to teaching and leadership in primary schools.

I have a really strong connection with Sebright, having been a teacher and leader at Sebright from 2004 to 2011. I really loved my time working at Sebright and I am delighted to be involved with Sebright and Blossom Federation again as a governor.

I am committed to supporting the highest standards in teaching and the most enriching and exciting learning experiences for all pupils. It’s great to be on this committee!

Tim Scorer
Associate Governor

For most of my career I've worked within healthcare strategy and communications. Working on health inequality, patient empowerment and insight. I specialised in conceptualising new businesses with a special interest in entrepreneurship, team dynamics, talent development across the businesses. We have a property business based here East London and two children who are in the first few years of school within the Federation.

Laura Stacey
Associate Governor

My name is Laura Stacey and I am currently the Chair of the Sebright Local School Committee. I was born and bred in South Africa to a British father and a Dutch mother. I am mother to four children and five grandchildren, lending me some understanding of children's behaviour.

I trained as a teacher and worked in SA for many years, becoming a Headteacher in 1977 and again at a different school in 1977.

At one stage of my life I changed from school teaching to teaching adults ballroom and Latin dancing. I career I greatly enjoyed for a time but the lure of the classroom was too great and I returned to my first love of school teaching.

In 2001 I I emigrated to London and started teaching at Sebright where I became Lower School lead.

I loved my time at Sebright and after retiring I continued my association with the school as a Governor.

During my time as a Governor, I saw the transition of Sebright from a stand-alone school to becoming a Federation, firstly with Daubeney and then including Lauriston.

Besides being a member of the Full governing body, I am also a member of the Curriculum and Standards committee.

I am passionate about children receiving a full and balanced education which is why I am still a governor.

Suzanne Carmichael
Staff Governor

Mette Ivesen
Co-Opted Governor

Partnership Group Committee

We have a special Partnership Group Committee made up of three members of the Blossom Federation Governing Body and three members of the Colvestone Primary School Governing Body.

Blossom: Will Emms, Sam Ingleby and Katie Lewis
Colvestone: Rosie Condon, Julien de Rosee and Tara Mack

Governing Body Responsibilities

A Governing Body’s responsibilities cover three key areas:

1. To provide a strategic view

  • focus on the future
  • set appropriate objectives
  • develop a strategic framework and policies to achieve these objectives

2. To be a ‘critical friend’

  • offer support and constructive advice
  • be a sounding board for ideas
  • ask challenging questions when necessary

3. To ensure accountability of the school

  • ensuring that the school delivers good quality education
  • monitoring the school’s overall performance
  • ensuring the school complies with its statutory and legal responsibilities

Governing Body Membership

Meeting Minutes



Governors' Feedback