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Ofsted Report

The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) regulates and inspects to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages.

The last time Ofsted inspected Sebright, in May 2019, we were rated 'Outstanding'. You can learn more about what the inspectors said by downloading the full report:

Ofsted Report - May 2019

Ofsted Short Inspection Report - July 2018

What Ofsted said about Sebright...

"The Executive Headteacher, her staff and governors provide very strong leadership. They are focussed exceptionally well on improving the quality of teaching and accelerating progress further in Key Stage 2."

"Children in the Nursery and Reception classes get off to an excellent start because teaching and leadership are outstanding."

"Pupils’ attitudes to learning are exemplary. They know what they want to achieve and are determined to get there. They have very high aspirations for their future. They look up to their teachers and work very hard to please them. They are fully aware that they need to make excellent progress at all times if they are to succeed at secondary school and beyond."

"Behaviour and safety are outstanding. Children play confidently and behave very well together. They share, make friends and enjoy learning whilst developing their curiosity and creativity. They are cared for and kept safe because safeguarding processes are secure."

Parent View

Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your the school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour.

They will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when.

View the Parent View results for Sebright Primary School.