Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Year 3

Class Teachers

Isabel Oliveira
Snowdrop Class

Amna Khalid
Primrose Class

Please bring in Book Bags every day

  • listen to your child read daily (at least 15 minutes) and discuss the books whilst reading with them
  • comment in the reading record at least 3 times a week, use the front of the reading record to help you with your recordings
  • children will have one levelled book and one free choice per week


Please bring in P.E Bags for theses days

Primrose & Snowdrop – Friday


Our school playlist


Class Timetables


  • Summer

Summer 2 Week 11

  • interact
  • intercity
  • international
  • interrelated
  • supermarket
  • superman
  • superstar
  • antiseptic
  • anticlockwise
  • antidote

Bonus Spellings

  • why
  • sleep
  • bad
  • floppy
  • coming

Summer 2 Week 10

  • redo
  • refresh
  • return
  • reappear
  • redecorate
  • subdivide
  • subheading
  • submarine
  • submerge
  • subway

Bonus Spellings

  • great
  • window
  • trees
  • hard
  • white

Summer 2 Week 9

  • immature
  • immortal
  • impossible
  • impatient
  • imperfect
  • irregular
  • irrelevant
  • irresponsible
  • automatic
  • autograph

Bonus Spellings 

  • town
  • took
  • two
  • way
  • fish

Summer 2 Week 8

  • disappoint
  • disagree
  • disobey
  • misbehave
  • mislead
  • misspell
  • inactive
  • incorrect
  • illegal
  • illegible

Bonus Spellings

  • king
  • or
  • our
  • through
  • baby

Summer 2 Week  7

  • myth
  • gym
  • Egypt
  • pyramid
  • mystery
  • rough
  • young
  • touch
  • double
  • trouble
  • country

Bonus Spellings 

  • hot
  • birds
  • suddenly
  • mother
  • hat

Summer 1 Week 6

  • forgetting
  • forgotten
  • beginning
  • beginner
  • prefer
  • preferred
  • gardening
  • gardener
  • limiting
  • limited

Bonus Spellings

  • better
  • lived
  • much
  • place
  • under

Summer 1 Week 5

  • knowledge
  • learn 
  • length
  • library
  • material
  • medicine
  • mention
  • minute
  • natural
  •  naughty

Bonus Spellings

  • found
  • laughed
  • let’s
  • fun
  • any

Summer 1 Week 4

  • group
  • guard
  • guide
  • heart
  • height
  • history
  • imagine
  • increase
  • important
  • interest

Bonus Spellings

  • dog
  • many
  • know
  • well
  • sea

Summer 1 Week 3

  • eighth
  • enough
  • experience
  • experiment
  • famous
  • favourite
  • February
  • forwards
  • fruit
  • grammar

Bonus Spellings

  • thought
  • door
  • may
  • only
  • ran

Summer 1 Week 2

  • century
  • certain 
  • circle
  • complete
  • consider
  • continue
  • decide
  • describe
  • different
  • difficult

Bonus Spellings 

  • take
  • red
  • bed
  • fast
  • didn’t

Summer 1 Week 1

  • appear
  • arrive
  • bicycle
  • breathe
  • breath
  • build
  • business
  • calendar
  • caught
  • centre

Bonus Spellings 

  • play
  • must
  • something
  • garden
  • who


Spring 2 Week  11 - endings shun spelt tion sion ssion cian

  • expansion
  • extension
  • comprehension
  • tension
  • attention
  • musician
  • electrician
  • magician
  • mathematician
  • admission

Bonus Spellings 

  • yes
  • stop
  • mouse
  • every
  • home

Spring 2 Week  10 - endings shun spelt tion sion ssion cian

  • invention
  • injection
  • action
  • hesitation
  • completion
  • expression
  • discussion
  • confession
  • permission
  • politician

Bonus Spellings 

  • I've
  • school
  • has
  • around
  • think

Spring 2 Week  9 - suffixes -ous

  • humorous
  • glamorous
  • courageous
  • outrageous
  • serious
  • obvious
  • curious
  • hideous
  • spontaneous
  • courteous

Bonus Spellings 

  • town
  • took
  • two
  • way
  • fish

Spring 2 Week  8 - suffixes -ous

  • poisonous
  • dangerous
  • envious
  • religious
  • mountainous
  • famous
  • various
  • tremendous
  • enormous
  • jealous

Bonus Spellings 

  • king
  • or
  • our
  • through
  • baby

Spring 2 Week  7 - suffixes -sure & -ture

  • measure
  • treasure
  • pleasure
  • pressure
  • enclosure
  • creature
  • furniture
  • picture
  • nature
  • adventure

Bonus Spellings 

  • head
  • would
  • everyone
  • fox
  • that’s

Spring 2 Week 6 - Suffixes

  • gently
  • simply
  • nobly
  • basically
  • frantically
  • dramatically
  • publicly
  • truly
  • duly
  • wholly

Bonus Spellings 

  • other
  • lots
  • eat
  • food
  • need

Spring 1 Week 5 - Suffixes

  • sadly
  • completely
  • usually
  • rightly
  • finally
  • comically
  • happily
  • angrily
  • fancily
  • lazily

Bonus Spellings 

  • us
  • work
  • couldn’t
  • going
  • wanted

Spring 1 Week 4 - Suffixes

  • information
  • adoration
  • sensation
  • preparation 
  • admiration
  • division
  • invasion
  • confusion
  • decision
  • collision

Bonus Spellings 

  • shouted
  • first
  • car
  • man
  • after

Spring 1 Week 3 - prefixes

  • interact
  • intercity
  • international
  • interrelated
  • supermarket
  • superman
  • superstar
  • antiseptic
  • anticlockwise
  • antidote

Bonus Spellings 

  • magic
  • next 
  • small
  • did
  • new

Spring 1 Week 2 - prefixes

  • redo
  • refresh 
  • return
  • reappear
  • redecorate 
  • subdivide 
  • subheading 
  • submarine
  • submerge
  • subway

Bonus Spellings

  • over
  • never
  • narrator
  • how
  • things

Spring 1 Week 1 - prefixes

  • immature
  • immortal
  • impossible 
  • impatient
  • imperfect 
  • irregular
  • irrelevant 
  • irresponsible
  • automatic
  • autograph

Bonus Spellings 

  • want
  • cat
  • round
  • animals
  • night


Autumn Week 15 - prefixes

  • disappoint
  • disagree
  • disobey
  • misbehave
  • mislead
  • misspell
  • inactive
  • incorrect
  • illegal
  • illegible

Bonus Spellings

  • good
  • again
  • I’ll
  • boy
  • soon

Autumn Week 14 - i spelt y, oh spelt ou

  • myth
  • gym
  • Egypt
  • pyramid
  • mystery
  • rough
  • young
  • touch
  • double
  • trouble
  • country

Bonus Spellings

  • away
  • can’t
  • more
  • began
  • say

Autumn Week 13 - Suffixes

  • forgetting
  • forgotten
  • beginning
  • beginner
  • prefer
  • preferred
  • gardening
  • gardener
  • limiting
  • limited

Bonus Spellings

  • water
  • bear
  • find
  • these
  • live

Autumn Week 12 - Yr2 common words

  • looks
  • use
  • along
  • plants
  • dragon
  • pulled
  • we’re
  • fly
  • grow
  • how

Bonus Spellings 

  • find
  • kind
  • mind
  • behind
  • everybody 

Autumn Week 11 - Yr2 common words

  • birds
  • duck
  • horse
  • rabbit
  • white
  • coming
  • he’s
  • river
  • liked
  • giant

Bonus Spellings 

  • door
  • floor
  • poor
  • because
  • even

Autumn Week 10 - Yr2 common words

  • once
  • please
  • thing
  • stopped
  • ever
  • miss
  • most
  • cold
  • park
  • lived

Bonus Spellings 

  • push
  • pull
  • full
  • house
  • our

Autumn Week 9 - Yr2 common words

  • much
  • suddenly
  • told
  • another
  • great
  • why
  • cried
  • keep
  • room
  • last

Bonus Spellings

  • one
  • once
  • friend
  • school
  • put

Autumn Week 8 - Yr2 common words

  • Mr
  • Mrs
  • Christmas
  • everybody
  • even
  • because
  • didn’t
  • make
  • please
  • another

Bonus Spellings 

  • here
  • there
  • where
  • love
  • ask

Autumn Week 7 - Yr2 common words

  • any
  • many
  • clothes
  • busy
  • people
  • water
  • again
  • half
  • money
  • parents

Bonus Spellings:

  • no
  • go
  • so
  • come
  • some

Autumn Week 6 - Yr2 common words

  • move
  • prove
  • improve
  • sure
  • sugar
  • could
  • should
  • would
  • who
  • whole

Bonus Spellings:

  • be
  • he
  • me
  • she
  • we

Autumn Week 5 - Yr2 common words

  • father
  • class
  • grass
  • pass
  • plant
  • path
  • bath
  • hour
  • eye
  • clothes

Bonus Spellings:

  • you
  • your
  • they
  • by
  • my

Autumn Week 4 - Yr2 common words

  • every
  • great
  • break
  • steak
  • pretty
  • beautiful
  • after
  • fast
  • last
  • past

Bonus Spellings:

  • was
  • is
  • his
  • has
  • I

Autumn Week 3 - Yr2 common words

  • wild
  • climb
  • most
  • only
  • both
  • old
  • cold
  • gold
  • hold
  • told

Bonus Spellings:

  • of
  • said
  • says
  • are
  • were

Autumn Week 2

We decided to spend this afternoon creating Art around Queen Elizabeth II to commemorate her death. Children will be tested on a random selection of these spellings in Week 3 instead.

  • door
  • floor
  • poor
  • because
  • find
  • kind
  • mind
  • behind
  • child
  • children

Bonus Spellings:

  • the
  • a
  • do
  • to
  • today

Autumn Week 1

INSET – Hopefully you were getting the most out of what was left of your lovely Summer Holidays!



Summer Week 11

Summer Week 10

Summer Week 9

Summer Week 8

Summer 1 Week 7

Summer 1 Week 6

Summer 1 Week 5

Summer 1 Week 4

Summer 1 Week 3

Summer 1 Week 2

Summer 1 Week 1


Spring, Week 11

Spring, Week 10

Spring, Week 9

Spring, Week 8

Spring, Week 7

Spring, Week 6 

Spring, Week 5 - Practising writing the letter t at the correct height

Spring, Week 4 - Practising consistent spacing between letters

Spring, Week 3 - Practising consistent spacing between letters

Spring, Week 2 - Joining from the letter i

Spring, Week 1 - Forming the letter S correctly


Autumn, Week 15 - Joining to Y

Autumn, Week 14 - Joining to and From O

Autumn, Week 13 - Joining To and From L

Autumn, Week 12 - Diagonal Joins to L

Autumn, Week 11 - Diagonal Joins to X

Autumn, Week 10 - Forming Descenders

Autumn, Week 9 - Forming Ascenders

Autumn, Week 8 - Practising Numerals

Autumn, Week 7 - Revising Ascenders & Descenders

Autumn Week 6 - Revising Individual Letters

Autumn Week 5 - Revising Fourth Join

Autumn Week 4 - Revising Third Join

Autumn Week 2 - Revising First Join

Autumn Week 3 - Yr2 common words


Common Exception Words

In Year 3 we will start off by really consolidating and revising Year 1 and Year 2 Common Words. Please make sure you practise and are familiar with these lists.

Once you are confident with the Key Stage 1 Common Words, challenge yourself and move onto the Year 3/4 Common Words. Learning these will really help support you through your reading and writing.

Explore different ways of learning them! Try creating your own spelling bees, playing hangman, make your own wordsearches and much more. Use the Spelling ideas poster for some inspiration on how to help your child.

Year 3 Highlights

Learning Resources

To access Purple Mash:

  1. Please use the link above.
  2. Select Integration Partners:  
  3. look for the LGfL (London Grid for Learning) icon:  
  4. Your child will now be able to sign in with their .204 log in details.