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Year 3 & 4 Christmas Carols 2017


Jayden (6PR) - Two years after and I'm still watching this! This moment will always be in my heart. Looking forward for Christmas!

Ella3C - It was really fun. I was there myself. I ‘m excited to do it in year 4.

Tazreen 4TG - I really enjoyed singing but I'm a bit sad cause Miss Green left! And plus she was a very kind and generous person!??

Ezel 4TG - - I loved it

Jayden 4L - BEST. CAROL SINGING. EVER. And MERRY CHRISTMAS (XMAS)! It was the BEST. CONCERT. EVER. I just really hope we could watch you guys in Year 5! It felt really nervously amazing to sing at such a big crowd. That very hard work was really worth it. The pressure on us was so hard! Once again, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Lauran 4TG - I loved it and I love Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ms Green - You were all great! Well done !

Melis3c - It was very exciting to sing but we were very shy too

Melis - Singing was very fun to do

Dilara 5S - I love Christmas songs especially when you sing them

Nicquaine - 4TG - I loved it dudes

Jeb 5s - Good job guys

Jahmai4TG - The concert was so cool!!!

Farhan 4l - It was stressful performing in front of people

farhan 4l - It was quite stressful and it was hard but all that hard work was worth it. It was also hard because it was like all the pressure was on us.

Hilal 4I - L was shy... but it was fun singing

Aaliyah-4L - I was shy...but it was fun singing

Mya 5IR - Well done!! I am impressed!

Hilal 4tg - I loved it

Justin -4L - That was seriously amazing

Ezel 4TG - I just love Christmas so much.

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