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In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with


Every child experiences the opportunity to realise themselves as composers and performers in their whole-class weekly music lessons. Lessons are delivered by our Music-specialists, using a holistic approach that includes moving, singing and playing as a way to understand and be creative in a range of musical styles.

Each school has a dedicated learning space for music lessons where children can play a range of accessible instruments or move freely in an open area. The children get to experience the beauty of music as a social form when they work on musical groups projects that build confidence and skills as musicians and collaborators.

The musical journey starts with an introduction to song games and learning what instruments do. Through play, our early years children start to explore how sounds can be organised in song and on instruments. We discover how expression can be used in music when we imitate and follow signals. We play conducting games, where children use their skills and knowledge to lead their friends in a piece of music.

As we travel further on our journey, children in Key Stage 1 begin to recognise and explore how sounds can be made, changed and organised. Creative projects, born from a simple idea in song or movement, start to include layers of harmonic and rhythmical accompaniment as they grow into a performed piece in which children can call their own.

In Key Stage 2, children continue their creative music making journey with stronger understanding of how musical elements can be used. We become more reflective in our choices and regularly discuss the musical choices that we and others make. Our vocal and instrumental skills are applied to our theoretical knowledge when we compose and perform in bigger groups.

By the end of a child’s music journey, it is our intention that they have the confidence and curiosity to know how to be individually and collaboratively creative in their next music journey.

If you would like to know more about this area of the curriculum, please talk to George Bunn.

Our school playlist


Music Pupil Voice

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Learning is in a topic approach, progression through the curriculum is unique in aspect of area of music covered; but all consistently designed in building understanding; about; how and of Music. With Performing, Composing and listening built into lesson delivery and design.

Knowledge and understanding of the key modalities of music will be advanced though providing concrete examples and independent (and or small group activities) exploration into a related task to relate the concrete example to (Epistemic). Success criterions are displayed related to objectives within their technical, constructive and expressive development in music, oracy and peer directed feedback is key in the summation of learning (Demonic). As the quality of responses from learners to one another in a performance/composition relates listening and appraising in application of musical elements in varying levels of competency (Dynamic).

Epistemic - Knowing in yourself from exploration following a definitive example or model of topic   

Demonic - Distinguishing judgement, confliction and consensus  

Dynamic - The skill and competency reapplied in a related capacity





Gradual, iterative development of motor skill, playing and singing with increasing accuracy and confidence.

Increasingly fluent use of musical elements in performance

Increasing expression in performance and understanding of musical context and provenance


Development of motor skill to enable exploration and production of ideas

Knowledge and handling of the components of composition

Increasing sophistication and creativity in musical outcomes


Development of the inner ear

Conscious awareness of musical elements and their use

Increasing knowledge of musical pieces, genres and cultures

Music in the EYFS

The development of children’s artistic and cultural awareness supports their imagination and creativity. It is important that children have regular opportunities to engage with the arts, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. The quality and variety of what children see, hear and participate in is crucial for developing their understanding, self-expression, vocabulary and ability to communicate through the arts. The frequency, repetition and depth of their experiences are fundamental to their progress in interpreting and appreciating what they hear, respond to and observe.

Early learning goals that link to music:

ELG Being imaginative and expressive 

  • Sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs.
  • Perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others, and – when appropriate – try to move in time with music.

In the EYFS children...

  • Access a range of percussion instruments indoors and outdoors, and are taught their names.
  • Explore how sounds can be changed and learn the related vocabulary eg loud/quiet, fast/slow.
  • Build up a repertoire of songs and rhymes through opportunities to sing on a regular basis.
  • Listen to a range of music
  • Are encouraged to move in response to music.

Intent behind Why we Learn Music

Music will have an Impact across the school, not just for musical abilities but understanding in the many cross over areas music works within. Our curriculum is for all to grow and shine, if they have extra vocal or instrument lessons or do not. Highlight that whole school/community impact to underline the benefits that supporting music will have across the whole school. Music is more than just sounds. Taking part and trying your best in music lessons will support understanding in nearly all areas of learning here at Sebright. From counting those complex rhythms within a bar (is the same as adding proper factions in maths).

Learning for life, not just the classroom

We create opportunities for students to engage in listening, composing and performing within school and outside in the community we are in.

Music can be the smile when you hear your favourite tune, or the smile you give to others when performing for them. It has a long-lasting impact on wellbeing and health from taking part, but also bringing a smile to the faces of those that see and hear you perform. Fantastically creative performers and composers and detailed commentators will be celebrated and supported in them becoming their best.

Impact - Active participation in Music develops who you are

Many academics demonstrate how participation in Music can have direct benefit to brain plasticity, ability to remember information, higher emotional intelligence, better communication and social skills, more effective teamwork and much, much more besides. There is a direct correlation between participation in Music and higher outcomes for later stages in life.

Music Vocabulary Lists


Instrumental lessons on offer

Children from Year 1 to Year 6 have the opportunity to learn additional instruments through our peripatetic teachers at an additional cost. We can offer piano, guitar and woodwind (from Year 2) taught throughout the school day.

Our Teachers

Mr Duncan

Mr Watt

Mr Bunn
Woodwind and Brass

If you would like to join the waiting list for one of these instruments, please complete the online form below.  The school will contact you when a space becomes available.

Entries marked with * are required.

We'll only store and process your details for the purposes related to this form and we will not sell or share them with any third parties.

Your details will be kept for five years before the records are removed. You can ask to see what details we hold about you and request that they be removed at any time by contacting us in writing.

Music Newsletters

Hackney Carnival Roadshow - Sunday 17th September 2023

Celebrating the spirit of Hackney Carnival

View Download

12th September 2023

Signup for Hackney Lift Off Orchestra

Thank you so much for your interest in attending a free of charge taster workshop for one of the HMS Ensembles. Please use this form to register and we will invite you to a session which will take place on Tuesday 26th September at 4.30pm. If you


19th July 2023