Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Sebright Standards

At Sebright Primary School we provide a safe and secure environment whereby children can learn, grow, make mistakes and take risks. In our school, we believe in setting good examples and in having high expectations. Our high expectations of behaviour apply to all children when they are in school, on educational visits or visiting places as ambassadors of the school.

We will support and guide children to make the right choices.  We are committed to developing respectful and responsible members of the community and to build a low-stress, high-challenge environment for learning. Our Standards are central to our behavioural values. It is essential that they are consistently used at all times by the whole school community.

For the first 15 minutes, every Monday morning, the Standard of the week is discussed in class.  This is then reinforced in Monday’s assembly.

Sebright Standards

Treat yourselves and others with respect.

Treat all property with respect.

Behave sensibly and safely around the school.

Achieve your best at all times.

Be kind and help others.

Listen without interrupting.

Respond to an instruction straight away.

Always be in control of your own behaviour.