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Exciting news! Sebright has been accredited again the Music Mark 2023-24 🏆🎉

Huge shoutout to our talented pupils, dedicated teachers, and the entire school community for making this possible. Music is a universal language, and we're proud to harmonize our way to success!

The Music things we've been doing:

✔️ Done already 

- Windrush 75 Celebration @ Hackney Empire (Band and Choir, Musical Poetry, and Performance Poems)

- Year 2 Watch the London Symphony Orchestras Concert on Dogs Don't Do Ballet 🩰 (Full funded by London City Mile Fund)

- Year 4 Watch London Symphony Orchestra Concert celebrating Diwali 🎇🪔 ( Fully Funded by London City Mile)

- EYFS Yearly Nativity 

- Year 4 Pantomime Show - Glint of Gold

- Key Stage 2 Carol Concert


🗓️ Soon to happen

- Year 3/5 Music and Poetry Event, Geejay in attendance too!!

- London Symphony Orchestra - Lunchtime Rush concert Snowdrops Class trip

- Year 5 Electronic Dance Music Ableton Composition Performance with The Nonesuch Orchestra.


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