Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Year 3 & 4 Carol Concert 2018


Malaika 4TG - I love it so much it was great and fabulous

Saida - Nice singing

Ella 4TG - It was a blast! I feel a bit sad (?) because I’m not going to do the concert again (?). But I might be able to watch it! (?) If I don’t go and see it, I probably will be very angry. (?) But, the concert was amazing!(?) It was better than amazing!(?) It was even better than that!(?)

Josh 6p - Well done guys

yusraa - This was soooooo much fun

Natasha - I think everyone did a great job. ????

Manha4TG - It was so fun and it made me SMILE !!!!!!!!!!

Murat 4I - The singing was outstanding ?

Simi - That was fantastic

Jeb 6p - Awesome!

Lauran 5l - Well done year 4 and 3 fabulous and great singing

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