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Art Exhibition 2018

On Thursday 28th and Friday 29th June we held an art exhition. The exhibition displayed work created by all year groups linked to our ‘Beautiful and Useful’ sculpture topic from the summer term. There was some amazing 3D and 2D work to see, as well as numerous photos of the children enjoying the creative process of planning and designing their work.

The event was curated by artist Sara Heywood, who has worked in the school on numerous art workshops throughout the term. Work on display was  linked to the various artists we have studied this term: Andy Goldsworthy, Alexander Calder, Barbara Hepworth, Alberto Giacometti, Michelle Reader and Amish Kapoor.

Parents and children were invited to visit the exhibition and children also got an opportunity to visit with their class teachers throughout the day.

Talia 4TG - "I like the bottles because I liked the way they were recycled."

Bugra 4TG - "The room is very decorated and it feels like I’m in a rainbow."

Shihaab 4TG - "I liked the art exhibition because it had a lot of interesting art and it looked fascinating."

Abdi 5IR - "I enjoyed the way all of the art was placed in random spots and there were some hanging from the different stands."

Yahya 1C - "I liked it because the soap smelt nice...kind of."

Nel 5IR - "I thought it was really creative and cool, the Year 4 sculptures were my favourite."

Ayse 5IR - "I loved the clay models because they are very smooth and sophisticated also the gallery is very pretty."

Megan 1K - "The soap was my favourite because it smelt like lemon."

Selim 5IR - "The exhibition was really creative and I liked seeing other people’s art."

Mya 5IR - I liked the Year 3 work because they recycled plastic.

Sarah 5IR - "I liked everything was great because it all had its own style."

Chandni 5IR - "The art exhibition was creative for the materials that were used for example plastic bottles."

Leiliani 1K - "I liked the sculptures because some of them were clay and some of the others moved in the air."

Ila 4TG - "The year 3 fishes were my favourite because they were made with recycled equipment."

Cheyenne 6K - "The year 1's pieces of art are impeccable, I can't believe my eyes. It looks like they have put a lot of effort in."

Samiha 6K - "I was really captivated by the impressively unique poses of the nursery children, every individual had a different pose."

Muaad 6P - "I thought the Year 2 work was really good because when I helped out in their classroom recently we made similar things from leaves."

Sahil 6P - "The soap idea was my favourite because I would never have had such a creative idea. They probably had to show a lot of resilience to complete their work."

Kimarni 6K - "I liked the ying yang soap design."

Baris 6K - "The Year 6 mobiles were my favourite because they are long and also they have nice shapes and colours, also they move."


Maimunah5IR - Seeing this was totally amazed me. I loved how everyone put in a great amount of effort and produced something worth seeing

Gradie 5IR - I loved the fact that the whole school has put a lot of time and effort to make something that looks spectacular. I would really want to do this next year.

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