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Hackney Hispanic Week 2016

Pupils in KS1 and KS2 at Sebright celebrated the Hackney Hispanic Week beween June 27th and 1st July. Spanish is the official language in 21 countries, the second most spoken language after Mandarin, and it is used by more than 400 million people across the world. Through this event children became aware of the enormous cultural diversity of the Hispanic World. They learnt about those countries’ traditions, their people, their geography, their food, their music and their environment. Children became familiar with the fact that the way in which Spanish is spoken in each of those countries is different. Each class researched one of the Spanish speaking countries and they created posters, displays, flags, hats and many other different pieces of work relating to their Hispanic country. On Friday pupils visited other classes using passports and they learned about all the countries studied by other classes as well as sharing what they had learned. All the children and teachers had an amazing time and it really felt as if we were all travelling around the world getting to know the countries where Spanish is spoken! Children have learned about the Hispanic world and have increased their knowledge of travel and exploring all the varied cultures that exist in the world!


Emily (yr7) - I had sooo much fun doing this

Hamidah 6k - It was so fun I wish we had this every year but with different countries

zeynep - Wow that sounds fun I wish I could have been there!

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