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Nursery Class - Autumn Half Term 2018

What an exciting half term we are having! We have been doing so much learning:

  • recognising numbers
  • counting things 
  • remembering our phonic sounds
  • practising our writing
  • speaking with sentences
  • becoming independent
  • role-playing in the home corner
  • being respectful to teachers and others, and having lots of fun

Now we are preparing Christmas and can’t wait for the big day. We have been decorating the class, performed our carols for the school show and posed for our class calendar 2019. 

Finally, we were lucky enough to have a wonderful story teller coming to visit. She told us the amazing Christmas story of "The Nut Cracker”. 

We are going to read lots more Christmas stories and make this time of the year as special as possible. I think we’re nearly ready for Christmas! Are you?

1 comment

Rodelyn 4TG - Awwwww they look soooooo cute

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