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Nursery - March 2019

The last two weeks have been exceptional in Nursery Class.

First we have had a very interesting Science Week where children had the opportunity to do many experiments and comment on their observations. We continued to talk about seasons and the name of baby animals. We discovered how our body works. We talked about the digestive system and how we breathe. We made Marble pictures with oily paints and tried to make a liquid rainbow pattern on milk using food colorants. We even tried the Coke and Mentos experiment, which did not work so well. We also learnt about Floating and Sinking, and Magnets. It was great being Scientists for a week.

This week was also amazing as we celebrated Sebright Book Day and Red Nose Day. We had a lot of fun making pictures, book covers, dressing-up, dancing and learning to speak in front of our friends using full sentences. Phil the story teller came to visit and we absolutely loved getting involved in turning the story into actions. Year6 children also came to read books with us and it was really nice.

1 comment

Ayse and Deren - So fun!

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