Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Settling Week in Nursery


Lexi daubeney - Good job nursery! Looks like you're having fun!

Kathy Yr7 - Awwww I wish I was four again, thank you for taking care of them all, especially Elodie, she I very cheaky.?

Mr Lamy - So nice to see that even the old Sebright pupils still care. Good luck to you guys!

Jeb 7AL - Awww! The next generation of Sebright! Have fun guys and do your best.Trust me on this one enjoy primary when you still can coz secondary school is no joke. XD

Gradie Yr 7 - I wish I was starting nursery now?. Just keep on having fun.?? ??

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