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Space in Nursery - Spring 2022

This term, we spent a few weeks looking at a very inspiring topic: Space.

We read amazing stories such as "Whatever Next!", "How to catch a Star", "The Man on the Moon" and "Aliens love Underpants". We learnt the Solar System, Planets, the Moon and many space facts. Accordingly, we did some space maths, space phonics and space writing upside down under the table. We also design an alien on whiteboards then made them out of salt dough and painted them with luminous colours.

After all our outer-space adventures, we organised an exhibition with Reception and the children were amazed to discover that the lower hall had been transformed into a great space experience full of lights and sounds.

We hope parents had a chance to visit. If you did not, you can find a video on this page of the children exploring our space station.

Finally, the Easter Break is here and the Nursery Team wish you all a good break.


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