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Spanish - Español Autumn Term 2 Summary

FELIZ AÑO NUEVO! = Happy New Year!


-Y5 learnt how to speak about the family in Spanish. They can name all family members and speak about their own family using the determiner “the” and the possessive determiners “my, your”.



-Year 6 pupils visited the City Academy Shoreditch Park to get to know what Spanish is like in Secondary school and to work alongside Year 7 pupils. They had a great time working together and sharing their experiences and impressions.



- We had a KS2 assembly on the Spanish-speaking world & its artistic heritage. We talked of the how Spanish has become the second most spoken language in the world and we also looked at some cultural highlights of Spain and the work of famous artists like Salvador Dali, Frida Khalo, Gaudi and the Sagrada familia, Picasso and the Guernica or Cervantes and El Quijote.



-Our Spanish Champions watched a short film in Spanish about bullying (“acoso escolar”) and shared their views and experiences as part of anti-bullying week 2019, in November.



-In Reception we learnt how to introduce themselves in Spanish and pupils can now say “My name is…” and ask “what’s your name?”. They really enjoy playing games and role plays introducing themselves to each other.



-From Year 1 to Year 6, our pupils worked on using more Spanish with their teachers and classmates, to follow instructions and to talk to each other in the school. They had a great time playing bingo and many other games.