Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Year 4 - 4I Berserk Viking Workshop

4I loved taking part in this workshop. We have learnt lots of interesting facts about:

  • Viking dragonboat
  • Viking longhouse
  • Jobs of Viking settlement
  • Past times of Viking people
  • Viking Feasts
  • Religion/Gods that Vikings believed/worshipped


jarvis 4i - It was great and so much fun and I think the old days with vikings is cool (:

Kean 4I - It was really interesting that we were able to learn most of the gods vikings believed in and I have watched videos about the viking gods and the video was telling a story about the gods.

Murat 4I - The Viking workshop was amazing and fun?

sinem 4i - It was so fun

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