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Year 4 - 4I Visit the Natural History Museum

4I visited The Natural History Museum to further their understanding of our CC topic of earthquake.


yusraa4i - i really liked the natural history museum i want to go again in year 5

Kacper 4I - The natural history museum was fun I like the dinosaur part so much ????

Dilara 6P - I went to this place when ı was in year 3 I loved the part going through the Volcano?????

yusraa - To be honest when the dinosaur moved I got scared

Kean 4I - Yeah the museum was sooo cool ? and there were crystals in the red zone

Murat 4I - When we went to the Natural History Museum we saw dinosaurs that really move and roar! Loved it!

Murat 4I - The trip was soooooooo fun

Yusraa - I loved the natural history museum. I loved the workshop and red zone

Murat 4I - The trip was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun and soooooooooooooooo intresting!???

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