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Proud to be part of the
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Year 4 - 4L's Ancient Egyptians Assembly


manna now in yr 8 - Aw I miss these days. Good memories.

Amelia 6PR (4L) - It was amazing good job guys

Old year 4 - Good job 4L

jahmai4TG - Good job 4L.

Iqra year 4 - Great assembly I really wish I was still in this school

Murat 3s - Well done 4l. You guys were amazing!

Jayden 4L - That was a very good assembly that we had. WELL DONE YEAR 4 AND MYSELF.

abdullah 3s - The show was nice. Well done year 4s

Jahari - 4L - This was fun. I liked it. Let's see which class is better. 4TG or 4L. Competion already started.

Lauran 4TG - It looked really good I wasn't there

Kairo - It was a good assembely

Dilara 5S - It was great watching 4L’s amazing class assembly

Gradie 5IR - I think you all did a great job .

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