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Year 4 - Ancient Egyptian Workshop

On Thursday 16th January an Archaeologist visited Year 4 and helped the children go back through time. Children learnt about how the Egyptians mysteries have been uncovered through archaeology and fact finding.

They all had an interactive look at the Ancient Egyptian timeline of events where they acted out notable events. They then heard the story of Howard Carter and conducted their own archaeological digs in the easily transportable deserts.

In the afternoon, the Year 4s looked at Hieroglyphics: how they were first translated and how they have helped in people's study of the Egyptians.

Lastly, the day concluded with the mummification of a child carried out by the rest of the class. How did it feel Frank and Donell?


Chisom 4s - It was sooooo FUN!

camila4s - It was fun because I want to be an Archeologist

Kathy Yr7 - It's crazy, the things people used to do in past, isn't it?

chandni (OLD YEAR 6) - Wow you guys looked liked you had fun. I remember when we had Thoe's workshops they were soooooooooooo fun also enjoy Sebright while you can because before long it will be over

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