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Year 4 - Pyjama Day Fun

Today, the children had the opportunity to be super snug, by coming into school in their pyjamas. We raised lots of money and had even more fun!


Tazreen6s - I am gonna miss our school traditions and celebrations.???♥️❤️!!!!
I will remember the day forever

Elizabeth 4BA - This was really fun . I enjoyed the day.

Kathy Yr7 - Nice and snuggly in those soft PJs

NATASHA 4S - Everyone looks FAB in their PJS

Imani 6s - It was so much fun lol

Rosie 4s- - It was amazing

Gradie Yr 7 - Why didn't we get to do this??
So wish I was still in Sebright!?
You all look fabulous though?

Chandni old year6 - Looks like fun WISH WISH WISH I was still there

chisom 4s - It was so fun looking at everyone in there pjs!!!!

sisi - Almost everyone in the class got changed

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