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Year 4 at the Sebright Carnival - Putting on the Ritz

The Sebright Carnival was absolutely awesome. Year 4 really 'nailed' their dance routine of Putting on the Ritz!


Justin 5P - Ah, I miss the memories with Mr Lyne. I hope we do it this again!

farhan 4l - I was not there but good job year4

Tunjida - It was not really complicated but it was fun & very hot in the weather!

manna 4l - I really enjoyed this and we did a great job

Aaliyah 4L - Our dance was hard but we yet still nailed it!

Iqra-Columbia school - Well done guys I miss you all ???

Mr Hamlin - Amazing! I love the T-shirts!

Eliana - I loved the ending of the dance! It.....was.....AMAZING!! : )
I hope that we get to do another freestyle carnival!! I LOVED THIS ONE MORE!!

Imani - Yeah well done to all of us

Talia 4TG - That was so fun .I thought it went really well?

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