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Proud to be part of the
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Year 4 Visit Wahaca

4L had a fantastic outing to Wahaca in central London.


Tazreen 4TG - It looks like 4L really enjoyed their self

Jayden - This trip was really fun! I mean REALLY FUN! I hope we could go there in Year 5!

farhan 4l - I liked the guacomolie the most and it was a fun time

eliana - I really liked the part when we made the drinks because the apple juice and the lime tasted really, really, really good

amina - I liked the drink kind of because I liked the lemon
and the apple juice

Iqra - I hope you guys had fun together

bethany - I enjoyed going to Wacahaca with my class it was good experience. I hope we can go on more school trips like that

Tunjida - I did not like the drink because there was too much mint in it but I did like making them.

Anaiya from daubeney - I think it is the same Wahaca we went when to the wahaca when we was in year 4

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