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Year 5 - 5IR Crime and Punishment Assembly

We have been learning about "Crime and Punishment" in CC. We found this topic amazing so thought of sharing it with the school and our parents.


5IR Student - I think we did an excellent job at this assembly. I'm looking forward to doing another one. Great job!

5IR Student - I think we did an excellent job. I would love to do it all over again and I am looking forward to doing another one.

Jeb - Good job guys!

Melis - It was fun watching

Melis - Realy enjoy

Mya 5IR - You all did a great job !!!!!!! Well done!!!

Tulip Tuitt - What a great assembly. I really enjoyed it. It's been wonderful being corrected about Victorian history at home by my son - who I must admit scared the socks off me as the judge. Great job Class 5IR

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