Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Year 5 - 5S Rock Climbing


Nurperi 5IR - I wish I could go again

Farhan - Cool

Elijah 5IR - This was really fun but also quite terrifying. If you look a picture no.2 I got to the round red thing and eventually looked down and noticed how high I was. If only we done this every week. Eventually we would become better climbers and able to face our fear of heights.

Kathy - I loved it too!

Tahiyah - The rock climbing trip was really fun

Jeb5s - THIS WAS AWESOME ?!!!!!!

Maimunah.A.Begum - Most frightening moment of my entire life

keisi5s - It was soooo fun

Dilara - Rock Climbing was so fun especially when we played table tennis

Vanessa5s - Rock climbing was so fun also it was scary. When I looked down I started to get scared.

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