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Year 5 - Barbara Hepworth Sculpture Workshop

Year 5 had a brilliant Sculpture Workshop today starting off with using 2D objects to make 3D objects. We then learned about the artist Barbara Hepworth and had a go at making sculptures (from bars of soap) that were inspired by her sculptures! We used popsicle sticks, toothpicks, graters and plastic knives to help us chisel and carve. Come to our art exhibition at the end of term to see the final results!


Kathy - It smelt so nice and I can still smell it when I walk into the classroom.

Tahiyah - It was fun making soap sculptures and I made a rose

I did it again at home even though it was harder because i couldn't use a veggie peeler ; ]

Gradie 5IR - The art work shop taught me a lot . The most trickiest part was carving - I accidentally cut myself. I still had fun anyways. Thanks Sara.

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