Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Year 5 - East London Mosque


Tahiyah - I really loved the trip to the mosque

Jio 5S - Just amazing...

Jeb5s - Considering i’m not Muslim, this trip was really fun and I enjoyed learning about the prayer they do 5 times a day!It was a fun trip:D

Sarah5S? - I’ve been to the East London Mosque so many times but I didn’t know they had a beehive.

Tahiyah - I loved the trip to the mosque

Maimunah5IR - This was awesome
I learnt so much history about the dome and the minaret.I was soooooo excite for this and when we went I was solo amazed to how big it was although I had already been there. Despite already been there I never knew it was massive.

Mark 6P - Looks like a great trip! :D

Zoynal - I loved the mosque ; I actually didn't know about the history of the dome! If only we got to see more of the mosque (especially the beehive)

Julia 5S - It was so fun and I get to learn what mosque means

Ayse 5IR - It was very fun but the walking killed us

Stephanie 5IR - It was very amazing because I learned new things

Julia - It was so fun when we went there and I learnt a lot about Islam

Mya 5IR - This trip was amazing and the fact that they have a bee hive in the mosque

Gradie 5IR - I liked learning more about Islam. We got to see different parts of a mosque and learn more about what happens there. I am looking forward to going on another trip like this.

Dilara - The place was enormous and so beautiful

William 5Ir - Going to the mosque was really fun and to learn new stuff

5IR Student - I loved seeing all the parts of a mosque.I hope we get to go on another trip like this next time.

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