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5IR - Moving Mechanism

5IR making a model of their "Moving Mechanism."


Noah - I remember that like it was yesterday

Elijah 5IR - Creating the mechanism was really hard but extremely worth it. Everyone managed to create their ideas with people in their group and once we were done we showed that off. My group used Lego by you can also use knex (the knex were way better). Good luck future year 5 (current year 4).

Kathy - Well that was fun

Dilara 5S - It was so fun building incredible things

Stephanie 5IR - Everyone was taking part, and everyone was sharing ideas. Furthermore, everyone made something. It was fun

Jeb 5s - This was so fun! My group made a ferris wheel out of K-nex and it was huge! And the cool thing was that is could actually move and the arms could move thanks to gears and it was super fun to make because of all the team work we put into it!

Julia 5s - That was so fun but was very hard but at least we did some thing fun

Hamide:6k - We done that too it was funnn

Daniel 5IR - I loved when we did the art and craft

Mya 5IR - I wish I could make another Ferris wheel! I really want to do it again

William - it was really fun

Ayse 5IR - SO FUN!!

5IR Student - It was really fun working with my group and sharing ideas. Now that we've done the draft, I think the actual thing will look awesome.

Chandni - This was really fun and the actual thing is going to be 100x better.

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