Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Year 5 - Shakespeare Rocks


Idk - I have to do this!

Thalia 3L - Woww!

Jayden 6PR - The memories ??

megan6s - Having a break from the SATS test it was sooooooo fun doing the Shakespeare rocks

Shihaab 5L - Over all I enjoyed it but year 6 will be difficult, but Im ready for year 6 play

Manna - you guys looked like you enjoyed it well done and never forget me:)

Amelia?? - good job year5?

sofia sa - very long and nice

Kanu 5L - It was tremendously good and I liked it :D

Amelia - I love the songs . GOOD WORK GUYS. That was amazing.

Iqra-5L - I miss you and great performance and I’m finally settling in to my new school but just remember you will be the best school I’ve ever been to bye ?

Claire5p - It was one of the most spontaneous, exiting and difficult days of my life and I'm really happy I was in it

Nabilah - I love it and I'm glad we did this it was funny

Ibrahim 5p - I liked it and it I wish we could do it again and I loved it and we had so much fun

Estevao 5L - Guys I really wanted to be the beer seller but I got banquo, and to be honest it was worth it ???

Esto 5L - I loved that play

Megan5p - I loved doing this I wish we could do this for the whole school years hahaha

mela - It was so fun and I am glad we did it I loved it

Sumeya5p - It was....good and in front of people was scary

Keysha - Wow that day was the best time ever

ILHAN - Well done

farhan 5p - It was very difficult and funny

Aliyemina 5P - It so fun doing this play I had so much fun

hilal 5l - i was so embarrassed and its was so fun I loved it!

Sarah 6s - I loved this a lot it’s so cool

Ezel 5L - I had so much fun doing the play. Everyone did so well!! WELL DONE GUYS

Lauran 5l - I'm glad we did this. Well done guys.

Lauran 5l - That was so good

Deniz 4TG - Good work year 5

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