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Year 5 - UBS STEAM Ahead Competition

Sebright recently took part in a competition called STEAM Ahead. Initially the entire year group took part in a workshop at school led by Inspire staff. The project was aimed at being a type of ‘educational Olympics’ with a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths theme. The year group was divided into teams and they competed against each other, trying to build a boat that would hold the most pennies while staying afloat. The winning teams from each class went on to the final at the UBS office. At the final, the two teams competed in four different challenges (shown in the pictures) accompanied by two UBS volunteers. All the students participated brilliantly and we even left with the winner's trophy! A great team effort by all of Sebright's Year 5 students. We all push each other each and every day to do and be our best. Well done all!!


Maimunah5IR - Great team work.I can't believe you guys won

Sarah5S? - That looks so much fun!!!

Ayse - It was sooooo fun to be there !!i can't still believe we won

Kasper - Well done guys wish I was there.

Dilara 5S - I can't believe that you guys have WON!

Karen 5IR - I still can't believe we won . I had lots of fun and Tom looked funny in the pictures .=] o_o
I'm so happy!!!

Sarah A-A - Well done

Mya 5IR - Incredible!!! Well done!!!!????

Vanessa - Well done guys

Mya 5IR - I'm so proud of all of them!!!!!!

Tahiyah - Excellent job everyone. I had loads of fun.

Jeb 5s - Wooooo!!!!Good job guys!

Daniel.S - Wow! I was there and it was sooooo fun! Well done Year 5!

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