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Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Year 5 - What A Knight!


Ruby 3c - I watch this play when I am a bit bored and the moment I turn it on I am just thinking I,can’t, wait!!!!!
Amazing play year 5 you will be great actors some day and earn some cold ❄️❄️ Hard ? ? ? cash

wellington 5p - I enjoyed acting even if it was hard so I think we all did a SPLENDID job.

Sumayyah 3c - The performance was very good?And well done Ralph

Khadija - The play was exiting and fun

Ephraim - I think the play was INCREDIBLY good

Kathy Yr7 - It was super funny & humorous!

Murat 5P - I think the play was really good.Thank you to Mr Lyne and to Mr Palero for making it EVEN BETTER

fez - The play was spectacular!!!!!

Esther year 7 - Great job year 5 fantastic performance keep up the good work and one day you guys will become professional actors

Yusraa - Our play was sooo good I loved it so much I will remember it forever we’ll done every one did a fantastic job

Dylan - It was... amazing

jarvis 5P - The play was very well written and I enjoyed it very much. Well done everyone including Mr Palero and Mr Lyne for making the play even better !!!!!!!!!!!

Khadija - The play was fantastic

Arda - İt was cool

Deniz 5p - Our performance was fantastic and I loved it I think we all did an amazing job

Nicquaine - 6S - Well done guys. You were brilliant and your voice was projected enough so then the audience can hear it. Well done guys and keep up the good work for the future.

Dylan 5l - I was so good I think everyone did well

Rodelyn-5L - I loved it beautiful and splendid

dylan 5l - It was so much fun I hope we do something like this again

Gradie Yr7 - You guys were A-MA-ZING!?. It was like being in the cinema. You would all make brilliant actors and actresses in the future.? Great performance?

Rodelyn-5L - I loved it I think we should do it again but this time in year 6

Rodelyn - I really enjoyed the performance it was so much fun

Ilhan 3k - It was amazing and fantastic. well done year 5.

Mya year 7 - Great job year 5!!!! You ALL did so well and I'm so proud of each and every one of you! Always believe in yourself and there's no such thing as can't because you can do it.?? if you keep practising you will become great actresses! Keep it up!!

Yusraa - I loved our performance it was so funny and good I thing all of us did a great job on this performance ??

Jessica 4s - I like it because I never seen nothing this good

Ayas 5p - It was really fun I was really scared but it was ok

Berkay5 - This was really fun and I enjoyed it, even though I was really scared.

Molly 2cop - Good

Jeb year 7 - Great job guys!

Ralph - I really enjoyed the performance it was so much fun

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