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Year 6 2018 Leavers - The Golden Years


Nabila yr 9 - Wow time flies fast :(

Kanu 5L - I want to cry. I miss you ):

Hafsa old 6p - I miss all my friends and the school but mostly my friends and I think about my friends everyday. Good luck for you future and this message goes out to former year 6 people I miss all of you

Emily - Good Luck in secondary. If your going to bridge academy GOOD LUCK!

Justin 4L - Bye year six you have been the best one ever

Jeb 5s - I am so sad you guys are leaving :( Anyways,have fun in secondary and we will make you guys proud!
Bye! :D

SHAWNIYAAAA OLD 6P - I remeber all of this, omg some good memories

Ms Corpe - Have a great time in your new schools Year 6. Remember to enjoy your learning and to take risks so that you can achieve your very best.
Will miss you all.

Mark Old Year 6 - Bye Sebright, probably will come back soon hopefully!

hamidah - Good luck in your new secondary

Nabila - I’m gonna miss everyone

mubaral - Damn finished school already. Time fly's

Aminah 5IR - good luck year 6

Gradie 5IR - It's been great having the year 6's as role models . I'm sure Sebright will definitely miss you . Have fun at secondary school and make sure you visit . Keep calm and stay cool. Have a great summer holidays.

Isata - WOW!!!! This video is so emotional, I hope you all have a great time in your new secondary schools! :D

Julia - I am really sad that the year 6's are leaving but I wish you good luck

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