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Year 6 - 6PR's Assembly: Being Safe Online

6PR had their class assembly today and this video and PowerPoint presentation shows how all their efforts paid off fantastically well! Each PowerPoint slide was made and designed by the children during the past few ICT lessons to summarise their learning about online safety and creating presentations. Well done 6PR!

Download our presentation: PDF PowerPoint (66MB)


Claire 6PR - Great assembly, I wish I was there to see it

Megan 6pr - I am so sad I missed it. Well done guys.

ethan old year 6 - Nice assembly!

Gradie yr7 - Online safety is very important. Great assembly!?

Kathy Yr7 - This is great, hope you all learnt something new.

amina 6PR - This was so much fun! I think everybody did a great job and now everyone can know about online safety!

Chisom 4s - I was in your class. And your play was amazing welldone 6PR.

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