Proud to be part of the
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Proud to be part of the
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Year 6 - 6S Rock Climbing Reward Trip

6S enjoyed a wonderful morning of rock climbing and table tennis. This was our reward for showing excellent behaviours for learning, and consistent reading and learning at home. The wall was a bit challenging for some, but we all tried our best and some of us even got to the top! Everyone had such a great day, hanging out with our friends and celebrating our hard work.


Kathy Yr7 - Off to a brave adventure!

Year 7 student - I miss rock climbing in Sebright ?? I wish I could do it again. I'm glad you guys had fun! Keep up the fantastic work!??

EZEL 6S - I had such a great time in rock climbing. I am so proud of everyone because we all tried our best and helped each other. I loved it.

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