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Year 6 - Body Worlds

Year 6 went on a trip to Body Worlds this week to consolidate their learning of the circulatory and digestive system. We were completely engrossed in what we saw and learnt some more facts about the human body. We saw different bones, blood vessels, muscles and the nervous system, which really helped us understand further what we had learnt in class. Did you know that the nervous system sends messages to the brain and other parts of the body at 250mph?


Tazreen 6s - Wow I remember this day! ?
I am going to miss all the trips that i went to in Sebright!!!! ???❤️♥️?
It was a fun trip

Bethany - This was sooo fun I loved this trip ❤️

Chisom 4s - This looks creepy!

Dilara year7 - I wish I could go to Body worlds again . I miss Sebright soo much! Hope you guys had fun.♥️

Kathy Yr7 - Body worlds was incredible, I wish I could go again...

Mya year 7 - I wish I could go to Body Worlds again. I miss being in year 6. I hope you had a great time there!

Jeb year 7 - This seems familiar...

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