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Year 6 - Children's Mental Health Week 2020

This week was Children's Mental Health week which culminated in a 'be bright' non-uniform day! In Year 6 we did freeze frames to represent 'find your brave' which was the theme for the week. When defining mental health we had students say:

  • it's how you feel on the inside
  • it links to physical health (exercise, fitness and nutrition)
  • it's your emotional state
  • it's how you're feeling at that moment
  • it's how your mind is feeling
  • everyone has mental health.


Lauran 6S - It was so fun and I loved it because my group was making a spider and we was scared of it and mental health is good for us to learn so when we get older and we have mental health we know what to do(I really loved what we learnt and I enjoyed what we could do next???

Imani - It was fun doing role plays about mental health ??

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