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Kew Gardens - Exploring Biomes

This year we travelled across London to Kew Gardens! Despite being a far distance, it was worth it! As it took so long to get there, we ate lunch as soon as we arrived.... inside a tent! Even though it rained, we still had a blast. Since we were studying biomes, we thought going into a greenhouse would give us an idea of the plants that grow in in the rainforest biome. Cacti, fish, tadpoles and turtles were among the creatures we spotted. Lilly pads, lotus flowers, snake-like plants and mimosa pudica (a plant that closes when touched!) abounded! Inside all the buildings, vibrant plants surrounded us - not a single plant was isolated! At the end of the day our weary legs still managed to take us up a winding staircase to view the top of the canopy! We insist you take the opportunity to visit if you haven't before!

- Year 6 (Written by: Umi, Lorin and Yasmin)