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Year 6 - Leavers Slideshow 2019


Kaleigh Peters 6s - Well done guys I will miss Julia ???

Yanis - Hi I miss you guys

ethan - I already miss you sebright xxx

Emirhan - I am going to miss you guys ?

Stephanie 6s - I will miss sebright my home and will always care for this school no matter what

Maimunah6s - This journey has been fab
I have made so many memories I miss sebright so much already
Thanks to chandni and dilara for being the funniest and sister like friends that I always needed
I love you guys more than you can imagine
Miss say and Mr power you guys are awesome teachers you made yr6 the best last year ever
Thank you so so much

Keysha - I will miss you all good luck I know you guys will do so well

Chandni - I watched this 1 day after I cried, watch this 1 year later I will still cry. Thank you Sebright you have been my home for 6 years. Thank you everyone especially the teachers ,who have had our disruptive class. Thank you Berra, Dilara, Maimunah and Nell for being the sisters I never had.

farhan 5p-6pr- - Good luck in year 7 well done on your sats

Ezel.5L (new class 6S) - I am wishing year 6 a great time in year 7 hope you guys will enjoy the rest of your school year. And also I'm saying a big thank you to the prefects they have done a really good job. Good luck!

Jeb6p - Watching this 1 day after we left school. So sad right now.

Tazreen5l - All the year sixes in 2019 were brilliant I want to say good luck and remember SUCCESS NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??☺????????????

Lauran 5L new class 6s - Guys u done say well I just wanna say GOOD LUCK HOPE U ENJOY ❤??

Nabila old 6k - Good luck in year 7!

Jeb6p - My last ever day of Sebright happened today. I’m going to miss this whole school so so much. Thank you for everything.

Gradie 6S - OMG! We've left!??? Time flies by! I miss Sebright already. All my friends and have been so supportive in everything. The teachers... I don't know what to say about them. Without you, none of this would be possible. You've arranged the best trips ever. Residential was one of my fav trips because of all the different activities we got to do. I also enjoyed zap space in year 6 and making pizza in year 5 AND year 4.Thanks a bunch to everyone. Sebright will be in my memory for my entire life. ??????? ☺??????
Good luck to everyone in year 7.
And to the teachers and students in their new classes.?

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