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Year 6 - Let The Games Begin

Year 6's last and best play at Sebright!


random Y6 child - I'm doing this play at the moment and this gave me some REALLY good ideas about my character! This is so fun to watch!
P.S: I'm Vicky and she did amazing as well!

. - E

Alice play critic - This is a very unsuitable play for this your group kind regards Alice the play critic

Kat - Is so good I love everything about it so good everyone. You inspired me to be a teacher now so good job I love you guys so much and you should be proud of yourself

Lex - I love will luck he is the best and is so good☺️

Isabella Y6 - I’m doing this play this year watching this vid made me even more excited to be playing the role as Vicky.

Afreen 4s - Nice

Maimunah 7b - Jeb this is me too??

Jeb 7AL - Guess who’s back watching this play again! Its me and I'm getting so sad seeing this again. This was indeed our FINEST HOUR.

Chandni (old yr6) - OMG I loved the play and miss say and Mr Power were right this was the last (unfortunately) but also the best! We all look hilarious in our costumes. It was funny how Marney was suppose to be the youngest but was the tallest. Anyway love you Sebright chow!

Julia yr7 - That play was soo fun!!!! I wish I can turn back time to nursery and have the joy of sebright once again???

Berra old6s ❤️ - İ LOVE İT everyone did A.MA.ZING im speechless i miss all of the teachers and my BFFS thank you everyone for everything no memories will be forgotten. BERRA (old 6s family of sebright) YEAR 6 LOVES YOU SEBRİGHT ❤️?

Maimunah - I really enjoyed
Its upsetting that we've all left now
But this will always be in our hearts

Chisom 3k - That was amazing well done year 6 I hate to see all of you leave! Well done Miss Say and Mr power to let this happen I will remember all of you especially Gradie I will miss you!!!!!!!!

Claire(new year6) - I loved it, I wish I saw it all in real life but I watched the video and it was amazing, year 6 was amazing, their singing was fabulous and their acting was great, have fun at secondary school, I'll miss you guys and remember NEVER GIVE UP

Kairo 6k 2018 - Looks great well done y6 good luck for y7

chandni (old year6) - That was the best play ever! I 100% loved the play, everyone played there parts sooooooooo well. WELL DONE YEAR 6! (BEST YEAR 6 ever)

tazim - I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST PLAY EVER YOU GUY'S RUEL

Ayse 6s - A-M-A-Z-I-N-G

Tazreen5l - That was an epic performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never forget these year sixes keep up the good work in secondary school! ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOUR SELF AND NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always follow the sebright standard and remember SUCCESS NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!??☺??????????

Atifa 6P - We just left and I feel so upset

leraya 3k - 4s - I loved it I wish I could see it for the third time
it was a big show it was musical I really loved it I don't know what to say
year 6 I will miss you when you leave especially Gradie you're so nice

Tahiyah - I loved the performance. Everyone is talented, great actors and amazing singers. ♥️♥️♥️ Well done!

mela 5l new class 6p - It was great keep up the great acting in secondary school! I LOVED IT

Dylan - Epic. I was speechless.what a year 6 to remember. 2010-19

Manha4c - That was amazing well done year 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeb6p - This was sick!!!My most favourite performance I have ever taken part in!Thanks to everyone who helped make this play happen!

Jeb6p - This was sick!!!My most favourite performance I have ever taken part in!

Jeb6p - This was sick!!! My most favourite performance I have ever taken part in.Thank you so much Miss Say and Mr Power!

Cemre Eryurekler - Isn’t it fantastic

Gradie 6S - That performance was AMAZING. Thank you to all the city years and assistant teachers who helped us with costumes and props. And a HUGE thank you to Miss Say and Mr Power for choosing such an excellent play for us- and for helping us rehearse. And I can't forget Mr Connor who helped us with our singing. Well done to everyone and I will miss you all when we leave.??? ???

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