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Proud to be part of the
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Year 6 Residential - Scouts Activity Centre Youlbury (Day 1)

Day 1 - Monday 6th February

After a delayed start waiting for the coach to arrive we got to Youlbury in good time and good spirits! The adventure activity site is huge and very muddy but brilliant.

After choosing rooms we went straight out in our groups for Orienteering and Team Building, no time to hang around here.

We came back to the lodge for cheesy vegetable and chicken home made delicious pizzas. This was followed up by the children's favourite: waffles, ice cream and toffee sauce.

The rain had started to come down and the sun had well and truly disappeared, but this wasn't going to stop us. We braved the elements and went out again for an evening abseil (by floodlights) and indoor archery. "Scary at first but exhilarating" raved Karla, Chloe and Yandra!

Everyone was cold and a little wet so coming back to the warm lodge for hot chocolate was amazing before bedtime. More activities and updates to come tomorrow, stay tuned.


Kaiya5b - That looks scary.....but fun

Emily - I loved it!!!

Emily (yr7) - I wish I could turn back time and do this again!

Julia 5s - That looks so EPIC you are so lucky I hope when I get to year 6 I will go there as well

Rodelyn 3C - Eliza miss you my best friend

Delano from daubney - I went it was so fun although I do not go seabright I go daubney seabright looks so much fun than daubney

suab - Thank you guys so much. Hope you have fun in secondary school

Rayane - I've been here before. It's great fun.AMAZING

Yasmin - That was the best time I had in year 6 . Thanks Mr Power and Mr Keen .

Shannia - Amazing jack you were very brave welcome to see you again

Eva and Emma 5ir - We hope you lot had fun😮😃

Megi - You guys look like you had fun! Hope you had a fun, exciting, great, and jammed pack experience and week.I can't wait till I go next year!!! I would just like to ask year 6s, WAS IT.....AWESOME? Would you like go again?? Well done yr6 you guys are so brave to face all the challenges the week throws at you!!😊

stevens - So much fun

Elijah - Looks very fun 🤑 I hope you guys remember this when you are older and think about how much fun it was 🤡🤑😛😎

kyle - I had such fun I want to go back. It was really good getting support from my friends and teachers to try doing things I've never done before. I will never forget my residential with Sebright :)

Emily - It was soooooooo amazing. I loved all the activities there. My favourite activities were abseiling, zip wire, the camp fire and the aerial trek. ;-) ♡ ☆

Isabela - Hope you had fun 😃

Mubarak- - Amazing time missed you all!

ma-leiha - I had so much fun, it was amazing.

Megi - Hey yr6 hope you guys had a great week. You guys are great fun and Sebright is not the same without you!!😄

Isabela - Eliza have lots of fun on your last day we hope you have a great day.
Kalia your mum has been upset she will be so pleased P.S Byrek is waiting for you 😃

Amanda - Yay Friday is here and soo looking forward to seeing you and giving you the biggest hug kyle see you soon xxx

Chloes mum and dad - Hope use had a good time! It looked amazing cant wait to see you chloe we missed you loads see you soon xxx

Michelle - Wow you guys have had the most amazing adventure
Jayden I love you lots and have made you your favourite dinner xx love u lots see u at 3 o'clock ❤

Edonisa - Eliza, we're missing you loads hope your having a great time see you soon xxx

Muibat - Well done everyone. Looks like you've had another fulfilled day. Enjoy your last day of freedom 😉
Kudos to your teachers for keeping us updated on your activities.

Adriana - Hey Eliza😘! We miss you! The house feels empty without you. I can see your having fun and trying out things you have never done. Well done for being brave 👍❣. Well the fun week is nearly over. I'll see you tomorrow🙏 Love you😘❣

yasmin and family - looks like your having fun Yasmin. Well done. see you tomorrow.

Michelle - Hey Tristan hope you're still having fun and it's not too cold. Enjoy the last morning and see you when you're back. Loads of love and hugs xxxxx

Salma - Missing you guys loads and loads can't wait to see you😊😉

Eliza's mum - We miss you loads😘😘. Have as much fun as you can till you come back. Hope your nose gets better 👃. We Love you ❤️😘

mariam, jalica, moses - we miss you Abdullah !! hope you have a nice time and enjoy yourself. See you soon

Kaissa and Katia - Missing you so much Louisa. Saw you in the video
You looked very brave.* Enjoy your last day lots of love. Xx
*Ps (katia) No you didn't I don't know how you can even scream that much. Love you scaredy cat. 😚

Merve - Missing you a lot Mirac, hope to see you back, 1 day left, I hope u had love time, u guys look great 😘😘

luanda, Simon, Yandra & Akinyele - Hi yandra, congratulations, you're almost ready for Koh-Lanta! Enjoy, see you soon many kisses

Marsela - Great picture hope your are enjoying. Kaliea we miss you a lot Love you my sweet heart. xxxxxxx

Chenelle - Hi Ma-Leiha looks like your have so much fun loving the pics & videos 😂👍🏾👏🏾 Keep having lots of fun see you on Friday xxxxxx p.s your brother Ma-Kai is missing you too xxx

zaynah - I am missing you guys so much. I cant wait to see you, enjoy.

Isata - We are missing you here at sebright!!!!!!!!!
Cant wait to see you guys again!!!!!
Have a great time!!!!!!!

Alice's mum and dad - Look amazing Alice, we are missing you so much. Hurry up Friday. Can't wait to hear about your adventures. Xxxx

Fahriya mum - We love u fahriya ...... have fun....... missing u so much

Tristan - Hi darling hope you enjoyed the chocolate bananas they sound delicious. Keep on having fun and don't forget to wear your coat! Love you xxxxxx

Abdul - Hamidah enjoy your time away from home

Serkan - Hasan have a great time we miss you so much make the most of it xxxx

amanda - wow im loving the pics and updates thank you to the teachers for keeping us updated with how you are all doing and looking after you. missing you loads kyle hope you are having a great time with your friends and teahcers. we are so proud of you for being brave on the 3g swing. keep enjoying yourself cant wait to see you Friday and hear all about your fun times x love you loads x mum, dad, Shannon and Riley x nan is also loving hearing all about your adventures x

Michelle - Hi Tristan - well done for trying the swing I'm so proud of you. Looks like you're having a brilliant time - miss you and love you loads xxxxxxxx

shadecia - hey have you done swimming yet?

Daniel - Wow! Chinedum, big bros you are having a good time, enjoy yourself, looking forward to more pictures. We all miss you.

Michelle - Jayden millers mum
Looks like your all having an amazing time see you on Friday jayden x

Aynur - Excitedely waiting for day 3 pictures! Ella we are missing you so much xxxx

yasmins mum - Yasmin hope you are enjoying yourself, looks like fun. please make sure you drink plenty of juice and fruit as it will help you with your stomach. rembember to rub your stomach clockwise as it will help you go. Hope you get better. love you. xxxx

Miss Hand - What great pictures! Huge thank you to all the staff who made this happen.

Luanda, Simon, Yanza & Akinyele - Yandra, we hope you are enjoying the distance and brake from the tablet and phone. Have a nice time. We love you.

Tara - Looks fantastic! Hope you are all having fun. Miss you chloe

Mr Hamlin - That looks like and amazing way to spend the week! What fun!

salma - Mrs Campbell says she so wants to be there, pics are fab!

Isata - Mrs Campbell says what is it like with a TV in your room and when are your parties?

salma - Mrs Campbell says she is jealous and she wishes she was there.

zaynah - Jen, me and Isata are missing you a lot, we are doing work its boring. I wish I went with you guys, anyway have fun.

Jackie - You all look like you are having fun great experience and good teamwork I can see Jamie- Aaron missing you very much and everyone is missing you at home enjoy yourself see you Friday xxxxx

Shannon - Hey little dude! Looks like your having so much fun, looking very brave can't wait too hear about it all when you get home! We are all missing you loads, even me lol. Love you lots kyle! Riley misses his cheeky uncle xxx

Muibat - Missing you Hamidah. Love from everyone here. Have fun

Mr Green - Wow! Looks amazing! Have fun everyone :)

Isata - Have a great time!!!!😆

Isata - Have Fun!!!!!

yasmin - Nice pictures. looks like you guys are having fun. enjoy tomorrow. Looking forward to more pictures. xxx

chloe - Looks like use are having so much fun! Enjoy. See you Friday!

shannia - how exiting have fun

Aminah - that looks sooooooooooo fun

Sarah - Alice missing you loads. Hope your having a wonderful time. Xxxxx

amanda - Great pics hope you are enjoying yourself kyle looking forward to seeing more pics and hearing about the exciting activities you are taking part in x love from everyone at home x

Aynur - Hey guys it sounds like everyone is having fun, Keep it up. Ella you are missed!! Xxx

lalitta, nasir, Iylah - Seems like you're enjoying yourself yasmin. Have fun!

Jackie - Jamie hope you are enjoying yourself

shannia - Have a nice time, see you when you get back.

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