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Year 6 Residential - Scouts Activity Centre Youlbury (Day 2)

Day 2 - Tuesday 7th February

What better way to start the day than beans, hash browns, scrambled egg and toast? A hearty breakfast to prepare for another fun packed day. On another high note, the rain has disappeared and it is a cracking day here at Youlbury.

The mornings activities included outdoor archery, team building and abseiling. It turns out Stevens and Abdullah are quite the hot shots with a bow and arrow! Team building was particularly funny, everyone had to run as fast and far as possible while screaming in one breath - if you stop screaming you stop running!

After lunch we all put the harnesses on for more high wire activities like rock climbing, crate stacking pole climbing and the 3g swing. Specials mentions for Pinar, Chloe, Tristan and Kyle overcoming initial fears to master the swing. Shaynah and Victoria for persevering with the High All Aboard (huge) pole climb and Yandra and Stevens for excellent team work to lean out together on the very top!

Now we are off for dinner and wide games, more updates tomorrow!


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