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Year 6 Residential - Scouts Activity Centre Youlbury (Day 4)

Day 4 - Thursday 9th February

“A scrumptious breakfast of delicious sausages, sautéed potatoes, toast and bakes beans with a selection of cereals” said Mubarak and Jamie.

Sensory Trail was a barrel of laughs for the teachers but for the children it was a different story! Alice and Abdullah took the lead guiding everyone in blindfolds along an obstacle course. "It was extremely muddy and I banged my nose on the tree at the start before I nearly fell over laughing when my friend's shoe got stuck in the mud!" said Eliza. 

The first person to climb the pole and conquer the bone chilling Leap of Faith was of course Kai. He stepped up and showed everyone how it is done, closely followed by Jayden, Mirac and Kaliea who overcame the great height to leap on to the metal trapeze. Yasmin and Ma-Leiha both persevered, climbed the pole and even managed to stand up on the Leap of Faith, their team were really proud of them.

Jacob’s Ladder was another new challenge for today. Mubarak used his experience and leadership skills to instruct his whole team by first climbing to the top of the ladder and then tying the rope, which other used to pull themselves up.

Aerial Trek is perhaps the most daunting, scary and challenging event of all. Although, the ever reliable Stevens and Chinedum expertly demonstrated how to speedily get around the course before Emily, Yandra and Jennifer followed in their footsteps. The next group along were equally tested by the Aerial Trek. This time it was Hasan who darted around a whacking three times. Not to be outdone by Hasan, Victoria and Ella bravely faced their fears by balancing, climbing and leaping around the course.

The zipwire was exhilarating as well as frightening. The first time Abdullah went up, things weren’t quite right if you know what we mean J. But then he came back with a bang and whistled through the air like a bird. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s just Abdullah! “At first it was scary because I thought it was unsafe and I might fall, but when I actually zip wired down it was fantastic!” said Fahriya.

That’s all for now – we are LATE for dinner! Let’s hope it is another great one. Then we have Campfire Circle before hot chocolate and bed.


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