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Year 6 Residential 2018 - Day 2

A very short sleep later it was time to wake up for day 2 of our residential! A jam-packed day: 5 activities! We needed to start off with a proper breakfast to make sure we had energy for the day, so cereal, beans on toast, hash browns and chicken sausage was on the menu. After we all had our fill, we went down to the meeting point and got ready for our first activity. Some of the activities had us climbing crazy heights and leaping off, some had us working as a team and others had us out in the woods. So many different things to do! After two activities a much needed lunch was on the cards. Not sure we were all quite rested, but nevertheless off we went for two more rounds. A lot of laughs, a bit of water and a whole lot of teamwork later it was dinner time. We’re off to eat, but will share more pictures and stories tomorrow!

Collins: “I liked the archery (outdoors) because it was competitive and fun!”

Rielle: “This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience; it is extreeeeemely fun. Also the food is great! Even though you get homesick, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

Pawel: “The pole climbing was the scariest but I still managed to do it and loved it afterwards!”

Baffour: “My favourite activity so far is 3G swing because it was scary but I liked it at the same time!”

Isabela: “I’m looking forward to the leap of faith; I’m a bit worried, but know I’m going to try my best. Look for the photos!”

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