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Year 6 Residential 2018 - Day 3

Day three has been amazing! We’ll let the quotes and photos/videos explain...

Andy: “Such an adventurous place with loads of fun activities, I’m loving being with all of my friends.

Abdullah: “The food today has been great: 2 bowls of Cocoa Pops for breakfast and then pizza and chips for lunch! I’m sure dinner will be great too.”

Jahvon: “Today was so scary because the Aerial Trek was scary to swing across the gap, but I finally managed to do it.”

Rakim: ”Today was a very intense and unforgettable day because four of us were squeezed on to the smallest platform 40ft from the ground on the All Aboard activity!”

Megi: “During the activities I was thinking they were going to be really challenging. The one I was most scared for was the high All Aboard, however when I started to climb and I saw my classmates on top of the platform my confidence grew. It was great!

Sajida: “I am very happy to be hear and although the activities have frightened life out of me, I still achieved them - and most of the time whilst laughing!”

Alex: “I was really scared on the high All Aboard because it wobbled unpredictably and four people had to fit at the top. I was so relieved when I came down, but I was proud I had overcome my fears!”

Naomi: “The Zipwire was so scary, but then I tried my best and even though I didn’t do it the first time, I tried again and succeeded!”

Emma: “The Aerial Trek first looked easy but then when I got up to the top my legs started to shake but I focused and kept going forward. In the end I liked it so much I went around it four times.”

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