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Year 6 Residential 2018 - Day 4/5

The last full day of activities is finished and it's fair to say everyone is pretty tired, but very happy!

We woke up to a lovely sunny morning for Day 5 and made it through the final 2 activities before packing up and boarding the coaches with our packed lunches. It's definitely fair to say everyone is ready for home - especially the teachers!

Have a look at the photos and read the final quotes from the children below...

Tyler: "Vertical climb was pretty tricky but overall it was a great experience that I would love to try again. I was proud of myself for making it to the top. Look at the pictures Mum and Dad!"

Kairo: "in every activity I faced my fears, especially Jacob's ladder, where I worked with my team, overcame every struggle and went to the 8th stage. I also made it to the top on vertical rock climbing!"

Arcele: "Burger and chips for lunch was fascinating and delicious. Crate stacking was the most stressful event that I tried today because balancing with Collins was difficult but we still got to the last crate. Woohoo! Bye. See you tomorrow. Yours truly, Arcele."

Shawniya: "My favourite activities have been Zipwire and the 3G swing because they were the most fun experiences I have ever had. They made my heart race!"

Ikelyn: "Residential has been the best experience ever, and it's not even finished yet - I can't wait for marshmallows at the campfire tonight!"

Sabiha: "Residential has been amazing. My three favourite activities have been Zipwire, Aerial Trek, Abseiling and 3G Swing."

Angel: "I have loved this experience and one of my highlights has been the 3G Swing because it was fun and at the same time really scary!"

Arina: "I have had so much fun, especially on High All Aboard because I closed my eyes as I was going up and Isabela, Rakim and Sajida pushed me off the top as I couldn't see where I was going. It was hilarious."

Aliya: "Today at lunch we are burgers and chips, it was very tasty. Later on we did the Crate Stacking, which wobbled every time a new crate was added for us to stand up on. By the end Arina and I were on the very final crate, but at the last moment it wobbled too far, my legs shook and it toppled over! Oh no!"

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