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Year 6 Trip - Houses of Parliament

On Friday 3rd November, we had the privilege of visiting the houses of Parliament in Westminster. It was both fascinating and inspirational, with a real highlight being a Question and Answer session with our MP for Hackney South and Shoreditch, Meg Hillier. She gave up lots of time to listen to us, and answer our questions.

For the rest of the visit we toured the House of Commons, where we were lucky enough to observe a debate taking place, and the House of Lords, which was empty meaning we could have full access to the entire room!

We also saw the very ornate throne the queen uses during the Queen’s speech to open parliament, we sat next to the statues the Suffragettes chained themselves to in order to protest their right to vote and we even stood in the exact room famous (and infamous!) people such as Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela, Henry VIII and Guy Fawkes once stood in.

It was a fantastic, memorable and eye-opening trip which all of the Year 6 children would thoroughly recommend!


Ilhan3k - Wow

Julia - That trip looks incredible you saw some very interesting things there

Nabila - This was great

Naomi - Wow I like going to parliament

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