Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Year 6 trip to Tower Bridge


Nakiya - broo lavender was hogging the pics but other that the trip was soo fun

Rowen - I saw myself 25 times hahaahahah😂

Rowen - I saw my self 25 Times hahahahahahahhahanaaanan

sam - where is sunflower lol

Nusrat - Be real Rowan there was barley sunflower there 😭😭

Mariyah - it was so fun

Deborah - It was so much fun!! I can wait to do more things like this :D :) :>

Mena -Sunday 17th December 👍🏻 - I loved it!!! This was so fun:)))

Nusrat - Sad the other class ain't on the LOL

Rowen - There was sunflower before

crystal - Not fair it was only lavender class 😂

nevaeh - i saw me more than 10 times hahahah

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