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Year 6 Visit Kew Gardens

We had an excellent time being intrepid explorers across climate zones, continents and even through through rainforests at Kew Gardens today. Although the autumn weather tried to slow us down, we persevered like true adventurers. Our exploration of biomes (particularly forests) in the UK, Europe and beyond was full of learning and the TreeTop Canopy Walkway was a real highlight for everyone, especially when it wobbled and shook in the wind! As you can see from the photos, the long tube journey home allowed a few explorers a chance to recover with some well earned rest.


Kathy Yr7 - Aw, Kew gardens, probably the best trip I've been too

Shihaab - 6S - That was a epic day. I loved all of it. The part I didn't really like is when my glasses got all foggy and I couldn't see. But everything else was great. Thank you teachers for setting the trip up for us. It was a delightful trip.

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