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Year 6 - Work Week Enterprise

All week we have been creating a new product to pitch to the ‘Dragons’ at KPMG. On Friday we had to chance to deliver a presentation to business men and women, who would hopefully invest in our new product. We learnt valuable life skills during this project- how to present and pitch to an audience, team work, building business plans and leadership. We had so much fun and everyone worked really hard- Well done year 6!


Sarah - I still can't believe I actually won the Best Teamwork prize!!!!?

Chandni - That trip was amazing! I can't believe my group (New Can Be Anything) won best presentation. I want to thank Aminah,Berra,Nell and Noah. Aminah, for having a brilliant idea, Noah for being soooo patient with our group,Berra for being sooooo supportive and Nell for taking on Noah's role even though you didn't have to. Thanks, your the best team mates I could ever wish for.???

Julia 6P - When I was looking at the judges I felt very petrified and shocked that a person like me didn't say "oh I'm scared so good bye have a nice time" but I didn't I had SOO many thought when looking at them

Jeb 6p - Our group won the best teamwork reward! The KPMG trip wad awesome!

Gradie 6S - I'm so shocked ? that the BBS( best barbecue storage)won the BEST INVESTMENT (this is my group's product). Me and my group were creative with our ideas and thought of a barbecue that includes a table AND fridge. Overall, everyone did a spectacular job! I want to say a big thank you to inspire and the school for organising this amazing trip to KPMG. Well done! OUTSIDE FOR YOU.☺????????

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