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Proud to be part of the
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Year 6 - Zapspace

Year 6 went to Zapspace on Wednesday to celebrate all the hard work we have put in to our behaviour, homework and reading this half term. We had a fantastic time jumping on the trampolines, playing dodge ball, climbing the frames and going down the massive slide! We hope to go again soon!


Dilara 6P - I loved the battle platform???

Sarah - I really enjoyed that trip, can't wait for London dungeons!!!?

Aminah - This trip was fun. Thank you Mr Power and Miss Say. London Dungeon is a cool place (Hint hint hint)

Dilara 6P - I loved jumping on the bouncy trampoline

Mya 6s - This trip was A...MAZ...ING !!!!!!!! I just wish I could go there again! I agree with Maimunah. Next time we should go ice skating!!!!! I also agree with Esther and Gradie that we should go bowling(after ice skating of course).

Maimunah - BEST TRIP EVER!!!!??. I think we should go ice skating next time.
To Miss say and Mr power: Thank you for this fab trip.
It was so fun because I've never been to zap space and I realised it was really good. ( not better than flipout)

Chandni 6s - I LOVED zap space!!! It was soooooo much fun. Next time I hope we go to the London dungeons!? ?. Ps: Mr power and miss say please let us go to the London dungeons!?

Zoynal 6S - Loved it! :)

Atifa 6P - i really enjoyed it

Gradie 6S - Zap space was so much FUN!?I felt like I was flying! I agree with Esther-the next time we have a bonus trip, we should go bowling (so I can win ??). Thank you Miss Say and Mr Power for bringing us on such an amazing trip.

Jeb 6p - This trip was amazing! My favourite activity was the battle platform

Esther 6P - I really enjoyed zap space I'm so happy I went I hope next time we go bowling

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